D's Birth Story

I knew the second time around with pregnancy and labor would be different, but I didn't realize how different. My labor and delivery with L was long and hard (see that post here!). But with D is was fast and for lack of a better word...easy. 

Since L arrived at 37 weeks, my doctors and I were fully aware that baby number 2 had a high chance of coming as "early" as L or even earlier. So at 32 weeks when I started having contractions, we all held our breath. Hubby and I were so very nervous that D was trying to come too early. My doctors were committed to trying to keep D in place for as long as possible...at least to 36 weeks. We ran through all the possibilities if it meant that he was coming; I would need a steroid shot for his lungs, they administered the Group B Strep test just in case, how would we do this with a NICU baby? We were both very nervous and unsure during that time. After multiple NSTs and tests and sonograms, there was no explanation for the pre-term labor. The only thing they could find that I was minutely dehydrated. My doctors placed me on pelvic rest, which is a fancy way of saying no sex and make sure you're sitting a lot. 

37 weeks came and went and D had not arrived.
It started to feel endless. 
March 15th was my last day at work. I said goodbye to students knowing (praying) I wouldn't see them after spring break. 
March 16th I started having contractions mid morning. They started small and bareable. And grew strong enough to not ignore them.  I was feeling pressure and ending up losing what I think  was the last of my mucus plug. We waited a while before calling the doctor since the contractions were about 5-6 minutes apart. The on call doctor told us to go ahead and come in. We didn't want to wait too long for contractions to get stronger. So we loaded up and left for the hospital. When we got to the hospital, everything just stopped. They checked me and I was only 4 cm dilated and no contractions. So after an hour or so, they sent me home. 
And so I began doing everything possible to "induce" labor naturally. Ladies, don't do it. It doesn't work. I made myself crazy for about 2 days and gave up and just focused on what I needed to get done. So I painted our kitchen hutch on Sunday and Monday. On Monday I cleaned the entire house like a mad woman. Couch cushions scrubbed, carpets vacuumed, every piece of laundry was put away, fresh sheets on the bed. I was just trying to stay busy so I wouldn't think about how I wasn't having a baby right then. Tuesday L and I went to Target and I walked until I just couldn't anymore. Then we came home and I cleaned some more. I went to the driveway with hubby's push broom and swept all of the oak pollen off of the sidewalk. I was rage cleaning at that point. Once everything was done, I started dinner and for the first time that day, sat down to relax. At 5:17 pm, the first contraction hit me. 2 minutes later another, 2 minutes more another. Then they spaced out to about 4 minutes apart. At about 5:40 pm, hubby walked in the door. He asked how I was feeling and I didn't really answer. I didn't want to say "I'm having contractions" and then it all stopped again. But he knew. So I got up and continued with my evening and kept my body moving. We sat down and ate dinner together with L knowing it would be our last time just the three of us. But mainly I was trying to stuff food in my face because I wouldn't be allowed to eat once I got to the hospital, a mistake I made for L's labor, I didn't eat before hand. 
So I took my time and got ready. Fresh clothes, hair curled, make up on. I was trying not to get overly excited and then it stop. Around 8 ish, my mom had arrived to stay with L. We said our goodbyes and headed off.

By 9pm we were admitted from triage and on our way to our labor and delivery room. Kate, our nurse, greeted us in triage and let us slowly walk down the long hallway. We were in room 14 at the end of the hallway. Kate was younger and was sweet. I can't fully describe her personality and disposition, but I knew we were going to be well taken care of. 

Around 10pm, I went ahead an opted for an epidural. I knew the possibility of it slowing my labor down and that once I got it, I wouldn't be able to labor out of bed. I labored for a long time with L without the epidural and I just wanted to be in bed anyways. My contractions with D were hard and fast. I felt like I was getting no reprieve or opportunity to catch my breath. Just like with L, the epidural allowed my body the opportunity to rest and relax, saving my energy for delivery. 

A little while after my epidural was in place, our birth photographer Brandi arrived. We didn't have the opportunity to have a photographer with L, so I knew that for D's birth it was a necessity for me. I was kind of nervous about having someone else there for delivery besides Kenny. But Brandi was amazing. We've known each other since college so having someone familiar was comforting. She was so encouraging and positive and brought such a sweet presence to our delivery room. *Side Note: If you're even slightly considering hiring a birth photographer, DO IT!*

During the next hour or so, we turned down the lights and rested. Kenny mainly snored. I was able to sleep some. Close to midnight, my doctor and Kate came to check on me. I was close to being fully dilated, but baby D's head was not fully engaged. He was slowly coming up higher. Up to this point, my water still had not broken. So we decided to go ahead and have my water broken to have labor continue and not slow down. We also used a peanut ball to help D move further down and be fully engaged.

Within an hour, I could tell he was pushing down and ready. Kate came back at 12:50 am and I told her he was ready. She checked and I was fully dilated and he was fully engaged. My doctor came back and so did Brandi. The whole team was there to help D and I. 

Kate helped us through a few "practice" pushes while my doctor got dressed and ready for delivery. I can't remember how many pushes we did, but by 1:07am D was here. 

And he was perfect.

Photo credit: Brandi Richardson Brandi Richardson Photography


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